ClearForMe Announces Partnership with Proudly, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade's Baby Care Brand

March 16, 2023

ClearForMe is excited to announce our first-ever baby care partnership with Proudly, a baby care brand for all shades of melanated skin owned by Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade. This partnership is set to offer shoppers an unparalleled experience as they navigate Proudly's website, interacting with ingredient lists in an entirely new way in baby care. Now with Clickable Ingredients™️, caregivers are able to learn what each ingredient is and what it does for the formulation while they're shopping.

Why Ingredient Transparency in Baby Products Matters

Understanding ingredients in baby products is important because babies have delicate and sensitive skin, and they can’t advocate for themselves.  Knowing what ingredients are used in baby products can help parents and caregivers make informed decisions and choose safer, healthier options for their little ones’ specific needs.

Clickable Ingredients in action on Proudly's All Over Balm

Proudly's President, Pamela Cholankeril, stated that there can be a lot of fear-mongering when it comes to baby care, and that the partnership allows them to present people with the facts and let them decide what is best for their child. 

This partnership is an exciting step for ClearForMe, as it marks a significant move towards increasing ingredient transparency across product categories. ClearForMe's mission is to create a more informed and empowered shopping experience for customers, and this partnership is a significant milestone towards achieving that goal.

⟶Check out the coverage on WWD

⟶Discover other ways ClearForMe has contributed to skin health equity

To learn more about how ClearForMe can support your baby care e-commerce site: Reach out for a quick demo


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